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News, projects and more.

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The Degree course in Architecture Engineering in Pavia is a five-year course combining the knowledge of civil engineering training with architecture. The aim of the course is to train professionals able to design and architectural work as a whole, incorporating architectural, technological, structural and environmental aspects. The course in Pavia has been active since 1998 (first in Italy with Aquila and Rome) and has a strong vocation for internationalization offering various mobility opportunities during the studies at major universities in the world, offering some English lessons and activating Two international titles in China and Spain. Graduates at the degree program in Pavia can enroll both in the Professional Register of Engineers and Architects.

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University of Pavia

The University of Pavia was born in 1361 and is one of the oldest in Italy. With about 23,000 students, 50 departments, 35 libraries, 6 university museums, offers a complete teaching offer in the various fields of research and knowledge.

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Studying in Pavia

Pavia is a city of about 70,000 inhabitants, 30 km from Milan with which it is well connected thanks to the railway passage. Its old town was developed in Roman times along the Ticino River and has been the capital of the Lombard kingdom for more than 3 centuries. It is a true campus city with over 15 university colleges, including 3 colleges, sports equipment and leisure facilities.

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Faculty of Ingegnery

The degree program in Architecture Engineering is part of the Engineering School's offering, which includes 13 other courses, 4 three-year courses, 8 master courses and 1 single-cycle master's degree. Courses are managed and organized by DICAr (Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture) and DIII (Department of Industrial Engineering and Information).

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The DICAr (Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture) is active in the three sections of Civil, Hydraulics and Architecture. Within it, more than 60 teachers and researchers carry out their theoretical and applied research activities. In the Architecture section there are 5 labs, STEP, Dada, Uplab, AML, ChinaLab, Geomatica.

Last news

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IEA 2024/2025 – Bando di ammissione

E’ stato pubblicato il Bando di ammissione al 1° anno del Corso di Laurea Magistrale a ciclo unico in Ingegneria Edile-Architettura per l’a.a. 2024/25. Tutte le informazioni necessarie sono presenti a questo QUI Read
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Verso il futuro della città: progettazione territoriale, urbana e strutturale

Intervista al Prof. Roberto De Lotto, Presidente del Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Edile ed Architettura link qui Read
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proHolz Student Trophy 24 – woodencity

International competition for redensification and urban extension with wood.
proHolz is hosting an international competition for students on the subject of building with wood for the fifth time. The possibilities and potential uses of […]

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Il premio, il cui tema è “Ingegneria e architettura: progetto e costruzione”, è rivolto non solo ai giovani laureati in Ingegneria Edile-Architettura, ma anche ai neo-laureati in Architettura, Ingegneria Civile, Ingegneria Edile.
 L’obiettivo del […]


Premio Tesi di Laurea – Webuild

Sono aperte le candidature per la terza edizione del Premio Alberto Giovannini promossa da Webuild, un premio che dà valore al talento con un focus sull’innovazione e la digitalizzazione delle infrastrutture.

Il programma è dedicato ai neolaureati e laureandi nell’anno accademico 2022-2023 […]



Office hours of the President of Master Degree
(Prof. Roberto De Lotto):
starting from 13th of October, every Tuesday from 3 pm to 6 pm
Roberto De Lotto

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